"Experience the True Elegance & Romance of the South with a Wonderfully Romantic Dinner for Two"
Steak, Chicken or Pork Loin
Imagine getting to your cabin or chalet and having dinner waiting. No running to the store and fighting the traffic. Just stay in and enjoy each other. Placed in the fridge you will find two 8 ounce rib eyes marinating, a tossed salad, salad dressing, butter & sour cream, sparkling cider, pound cake, strawberries & whipped topping. Two baking potatoes and four rolls will be placed on the stove. Not in the mood for steak? You may exchange the ribeyes for marinating skinless, boneless chicken breasts or boneless pork loin.
Your table will be set and fit for royalty with place mats and napkins to match, a flower center piece, two wine glasses, taper candles and candle holders, crackers and matches. Everything you need for a night alone together right down to the charcoal.

Homemade Lasagna Dinner
Try our wonderful homemade lasagna dinner. It consists of 2 generous portions of cooked lasagna, tossed sale with dressing, a loaf of Asiago cheese bread with butter, sparkling cider and your choice of cheese cake or my favorite, Tiramisu. Add the beautiful table setting as described above and you have a relaxing night of dining and romance.
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